Applying for a loan
Take a loan in PKO Bank Polski directly from your telephone*:
- In the application form, you can select the amount and the credit period. The Bank will also ask you to confirm some information.
- The contract may be signed in IKO or iPKO Internet service.
- The funds are transferred immediately to your account in PKO Bank Polski.
Granting of the loan and its amount are conditional on the positive assessment of the Customer's creditworthiness.

How to take a loan in IKO?
1. Open a loan application form
Start IKO and go to the application form by taping on the loan ad or through the My Bank > Loans > + button, or by Your Offer section, where you must select the Loan tab.
2. Specify the amount and repayment period of the loan
When you edit the amount or the number of months, the application automatically recalculates the amount of the instalment. To move to the next step, press Next.
3. Confirm financial data, statements and send the application form
The application displays the information that is taken into account in the process of granting loans. Verify them and then read the statements, documents and confirm using the button and IKO will send your application for analysis. The status of your form may be checked in the My agreements section in the Proposals tab.
4. Review the details of the loan proposal
You will receive a push message/e-mail* with a proposal for the loan - to review it, start IKO and go to the My agreements section. If you agree to its terms, tap Next, and you will submit the request for a loan corresponding to the proposal of the Bank.
5. Receive the agreement notification
You will receive a push message/text message/e-mail** about granting a loan. Read it and press Go to the list of agreements.
6. Go to the agreement
In the list of agreements, select the one that refers to your proposal.
7. Sign the agreement
Review the agreement details and if you agree to its terms, tap Sign agreement, and then sign it by entering - depending on the amount of the loan - your PIN to IKO or one-time password from your authorization tool.
8. The funds will be credited to the account indicated in the agreement
IKO will display a confirmation of the agreement signing.
*Request for a cash loan is only available in Polish for Polish residents.
**The Bank will send a notification to the customer to the phone number and email communicated to the Bank. If the data has changed, update them in the iPKO Internet service or PKO Bank Polski branch. A push message is displayed, if IKO has been given appropriate permissions in the customer's phone settings.
See the frequently asked questions concerning the use of IKO mobile app or check our IKO guide (PDF)