Multi-Currency Card Service
All debit cards issued with personal accounts of PKO Bank Polski may be used as multi-currency cards. To that end, an FX- account from the bank’s offer must be linked to the card; the account must be kept in one of the following currencies: EUR, GBP, USD, CHF, DKK, NOK, SEK, CZK, HRK or HUF, the card transactions will be settled directly in the currencies of the respective FX-account as long as there are sufficient funds in the foreign currency to complete the transactions. With that solution, you will make payments (including online payments) without currency conversion costs.*
The bank will automatically settle the transactions from the account in a given currency linked to the card – the same rule applies to contactless payments with your phone.
How to link a new foreign account to a payment card?
1. Log into the IKO application.
2. Go to My Bank > Cards and click the card to which you wish to link an additional account.
3. Choose Link foreign account from the context menu.
4. Choose the FX account which you wish to link to the card and approve the change with the PIN to the IKO application.How does it work?
• Using the multi-currency card in Poland
If you want to use the multi-currency card to pay for domestic purchases in PLN, the payments will always be charged to the PLN account.
• Using the multi-currency card in a country that uses the same currency as the currency of the FX account linked to the card
If you want to pay for purchases in a country that uses EUR and you have a EUR account linked to your card, the payments made with that card will automatically be charged to that account without the costs of currency conversion.
If there are insufficient funds available in the EUR account, you can buy euros in the currency exchange in iPKO or in IKO . If you do not buy the foreign currency, the payments will be made with the funds available in your primary account in PLN.• Using the multi-currency card in a country that uses a different currency from the currency of the FX account linked to the card
If you want to pay for purchases in a country that uses a currency other than the currency of the FX account linked to your multi-currency card, the amount will be converted and charged to the PLN account.
See the frequently asked questions concerning the use of IKO mobile app or check our IKO guide (PDF)
*Conditions that must be fulfilled to avoid currency conversion:
1. The transaction must be made in EUR, GBP, USD, CHF, DKK, NOK, SEK, CZK, HRK or HUF.
2. The Bank keeps an account in the transaction currency (one of those listed above) for the Client and the account is linked to the card when the transaction is being made.
3. There must be sufficient funds in that account to complete the transaction.